Originally Posted by Andy94SC
Looks very similar to the project I just started, except for me having a LWB. You are moving along quite well on your though. I have only gotten mine to the running stage.
I am a bit puzzled by the paint scheme on yours Vs mine. You only have white on the actual roof, and back of the cab where mine is also painted on the A-pillars, and door window frames. I know mine was repainted at one point, but I though that it was redone in the original scheme.
Thanks. It just takes awhile, but with we will get there.
You are correct about the paint scheme, nice catch. My truck was also repainted some time back and it was not put back to the original configuration. I will however, be painting it back the same way yours is with the A-pillars and door frames white as well. Just looks so much better IMHO.