Thread: What are these?
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Old 03-02-2010, 11:28 PM   #12
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Re: What are these?

They are for the Lock-up part of your torque convertor, This is how they are supposed to work. Manifold vacum to the single port on the end. When the switch has full vacum at speed (4th gear) in and 700R4 it locks up the convertor for a 1 to 1 . Gas mileage helper. 2 wires go down to the plug on the right side of your tranny , near the pan. Go into the valve body.

Note: Most transmission guys will tell you if you let an overdrive run around for long a period of time with the convertor not locking up , The fluid temps will go way up. ( my 2 cents ) if you have it , hook it up and use it.


Last edited by Desert1957; 03-02-2010 at 11:29 PM.
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