Re: door hard to close
I got mine at Advanced Auto Parts. They had the striker bushing combo which was about 7-8 bucks each ( they only had one on the shelf) or just the bushings for like 3-4 bucks for a 4 pack, which I bought and put on my old strikers.Worked like a charm, however I had to grind down the diameter of the striker for the bushings to slide on...good thing I have a bench Can't believe the change that ,that little plastic piece made. Thanks for the info guys!
Originally Posted by nlped
^^^The striker and plastic bushing come as one piece, but it can be had at any local parts store that has a HELP section. I paid $6.99 each for mine.
Yes, the doors need to come off to replace the bushings. It isn't really very tough at all though. 6 or 7 bolts per door ( don't remember exactly) and if it has power windows &/or locks you need to fish the wiring out of the door before removing said bolts. Once the door is off, just cut the pin in half with a cut off tool, saw zall, air saw (you get the picture) and pop the upper piece out of the hinge...the lower piece will just fall out. This is MUCH easier than trying to beat them out with a hammer, and plays less havoc on the hinge assembly. Next, knock out the the existing little bushing and just replace in the opposite order...minus cutting anything 
1982 swb 1/2 ton
Also have a 2001, 400+ Hp T-top Camaro SS
Loving my old Chevy truck and my new square body family on here!Thanks for all the help,tips and ideas I have gotten already guys.