Re: Home School.. who does it?
I commend those who do HS their children. I think it is a good thing. the wife and I would be doing it if we knew for a fact we were capable and competent. our oldest boy (almost 12) would not be so much of a problem. we have contemplated the subject in depth many times. we decided to stay with the public system and watch over things. there are times when we have to step in and veer him back on course. although things are changing now that he is getting older and is in Middle School. he is not challenged and gets bored with the slow pace. I can understand fully as I had the same problem. they decline from putting him in some advanced program, grrrrr.
our youngest boy (7YO with Autism) is a whole different story. we are working on getting him into a special school separate from the public system. funding is the main hurdle. he currently has an assistant with him in Kindergarten, he barely squeeks by...
I better stop now. the rest is irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Last edited by 68C15; 03-05-2010 at 07:43 AM.