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Old 03-05-2010, 04:18 PM   #37
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

I have met many "Home schoioled".Most were more "World Schooled".They spent less time and learned more than public school has time to teach.They also did not get "Trained" to take acheivement tests to show how well the school district was doing.All of the ones I know of used the above mentioned "mixed resources" style and most were set with basic cirriculum stuff and had options on the rest of the learning so that the student could follow specific areas of intrest whether long or short term(usually kids have a mix of things that intrest them just like adults).
They seem to have a better grasp of current events,generally have the ability to make friends without having to be in a PS.take part in church and athletic activities by choice (rather then peer pressure).
On a personal note,I have never met a HS kid who neede "Diversity training/teaching" (If race/ethnicity/culture are never made an issue I guess they never become one).The HS kids also seem to develop the ability to "Think" things out for themselves versus knowing the answer because they were told what it "should be".
Just my thoughts on the HS kids I've met.

BTW I was public schooled with lots of parental oversight(Meaning I did what I needed to do to get the grade or else)
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