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Old 03-06-2010, 10:46 PM   #41
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

I'm with Longhair, I too was extremely bored with school, A.D.D. or something, I don't know. Anyway, I did graduate from an "inner city " school. Here's the kicker, 18 yrs. old with diploma in hand, I could not read a tape measure, or do anything with a fraction. How does anyone graduate and not be able to read a tape measure. I knew what an inch and a half inch were nothing else. Gas gage was empty, almost empty, half full, almost full, and full. And if someone wants to get smart about it , go ahead because after I graduated I went to the SOHK, and I love numbers and I crunch them well. My whole point is ,home school your babies with honor Liz, at least you'll know how their learning time is spent.

Praise God my kids like school, the boy seems to be a bit of a math wiz, and the daughter loves to read ( they must've gotten it from their mom, SHHH don't tell her I said that).Yep, their in public school, and boy does the idiocy there drive me and the wife nuts. But we can't afford private or home school, so WE will "Train up a child in the way that he should go" (they love this part). Good luck Liz.
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