Thread: troubleshooting
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Old 03-08-2010, 12:47 AM   #5
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Re: troubleshooting

Originally Posted by Monte Carlo Man View Post
Something here does not sound right.

If you knew it had no spark, why would you dump fuel down the carb?

I think we need a lot more information, like which type of ignition system it has and who did the wiring?

Points ignition, I would look at the points, ballast resistor - or resistor wire coming from the starter to the coil. Then I would test the ignition coil and then move on to the wire going from the coil to the distributor.

The very first thing I would do is look at the condition of the cap and rotor, points etc.

Then there is the spark plugs themselves - like how often have you changed them and how old are they and which type of plug do you have in it.

You are there and I am here and trying to diagnose a ignition problem over the internet is like calling a doctor on the phone and saying - doc I am sick, what is wrong with me.

The first thing he has to do is ask a lot of questions and the second thing is to have you come in for a office visit.

Since it is over your head already, my guess is that your next telephone call should be to a qualified mechanic for a check up and tune up and repairs.

The thing that irks me the most is people like on the commercials on television where they pet the dash board and pray for one more time. Then when it finally refuses to start anymore, they act all stupid and act like they never had a problem in the first place. Then you end up playing Colombo for a couple of hours until you figure it out.
Who the hell do you think you are? Jesus Christ man if you're going to be an a**hole about giving advice I'm willing to bet NOBODY here wants you to post anything. It's a community for HELPING one another not putting them down.

Does anyone know if it's possible to put a user on an ignore list?

....On to some actual help....

7d2k5 - you know it has to be spark or timing assuming the gas you are using is fresh. You have the firing order right? Any recent mods/repairs/upgrades?

Good luck.

Last edited by SeventyOne; 03-08-2010 at 12:47 AM.
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