Originally Posted by Monte Carlo Man
It's time to take it to a garage buddy.
There is no way for anyone to diagnose your problems over the internet.
It wouldn't have hurt had to posted which engine, transmission, ignition system, wiring harness etc. was in the truck. Most anything can make a truck shut off and there is no timing belt in a small block Chevrolet - if that was what you have. There is no timing belt in a straight six 250 either.

There are hundreds of problems solved on this forum and many others. What would you have him do run to a garage every time something simple goes wrong. I do agree that the more information a person gives the more it helps to troubleshoot a problem. I see it all the time mostly with new posters.
They fail to mention even what year their truck is or if it's a v-8 or six.
The op here has given enough information to get some ideas what the problem may be so he will get his problem fixed soon.