Thread: Loading up?
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Old 05-08-2003, 08:57 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: In the middle of Hell, Arizona
Posts: 133
Exclamation Loading up?

My truck has developed a few problems over the last few weeks while I've been working on the 'velle. About a month ago when my uncle was visiting he mentioned that my truck sounded like it was "loading up" at idle. Now while I'm not 100% sure on that term I believe it means that it just boils down to being excessively rich, right?

He heard the truck running while it was "cold" and at idle when it's cold it tends to idle normally for awhile, then start to idle rough (along with producing enough potent fuel vapor to kill people for miles).

Once it's warm, it still produces exaust which reeks of fuel - but the idle is smooth (other than the lope of the cam).

Amongst my newly developed problems, if I stomp down upon the throttle while crusing, it "Bogs" down for a moment before the secondaries 'pick up' and the truck accelerates smoothly. This is highly annoying, suggestions on what it might be?

Maybe she's just getting jealous of the velle? :p

"Musha ring dum a doo dum a da
Whack for my daddy-o
Whack for my daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar-o."
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