Originally Posted by gcburdic
 ....I cringed when he said that...I knew what was next for him Liz 
Wondering why he was suspended.....Now I know!!!
Liz...I don't have kids, but have often wondered about home schooling...great info on here once we finally have kiddos....have you put any thought in a christian based or charter based school system??....Don't know much about them either, but hear good things from families we live around over here.....
EDIT:....just re-read the above....wanted to clarify....the "we" i use in the above thought isn't Liz and I....it's my wife and I 
I did look into the private schools here. Two issues here for me with that, silly as they will seem to others, you knowing my kids will understand.
Choice 1. Bad reviews galore, but that can be annoyed people. I also called them to see about setting up a table at their open house for cub scouts. This is a Christian school and scouts are christian based. The reply I got was.... no, we do not allow outside organizations. mmkay.. and they are full uniform.. ie girls in skirts and boys in dress pants.
Choice 2. LOVE that place! but... it only goes through 6th grade, and in their new policy... no trendy hair styles or colors in hair. They however do not have a uniform policy, but you can not wear cartoon, logo or label shirts, must wear tennis shoes etc etc..
knowing my kids, you know either of the above dress codes do not fit.