Thirsty 400!!!??!!
Evening all, so I did a full Cap/Rotor/Points/Plugs/Wires on my new friend Elmer,,,, He still drinks gas like it is ladies nite and he is drinkin for free!! I mean he will get up and go,,, but it is at a cost, MAYBE 6 or 7 mpg I am guessing,,,, would that be the reason for the 3 tanks??!!??!! I have some 265/70/15 Hercules Terra-tracs coming, hopefully that will lengthen his legs a bit from the P225/75s or are the BB 400's just thirsty? I have to say I enjoy driving him, and once I get new shocks and tires I am sure he will ride even better, but as a DD he is not gonna make it!
96 F350 CC/4X/7.3/ZF5
77 F150 SB/4X/NP435/NP205
70 C10 400/400
63 F250 4X/T98/NP205