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Old 03-09-2010, 12:08 AM   #4
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Location: Oakhurst, Kalifornia
Posts: 77
Re: Thirsty 400!!!??!!

Well, it is 6 miles to work,,,, make it 7 with a stop at NAPA, and then 6 home, I am down to 1/2 tank after a few days of driving back and forth,,, I keep track of the miles in a check register, I will check Wed. when I drive him in, but my rough, in the brain calcs were about 6-8, and the odo is very close, within a few 10ths... I am guessing a carb rebuild is in the future right now for starters.
As a side note, will an Edelbrock 1405 bolt on in place of the stock quadrajet?? I have one in my collection of things... has 2 sets of bolt holes...
96 F350 CC/4X/7.3/ZF5
77 F150 SB/4X/NP435/NP205
70 C10 400/400
63 F250 4X/T98/NP205
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