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Old 03-12-2010, 12:27 AM   #4
20' Daredevil (Ret)
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Re: how do i take off the rear drum on a 1967 K20?

Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
Assuming you have an Eaton rearend, you have to pull the axles to get the hubs/drums off. After you pull the axles there's a lock nut and adjusting nut you need to remove to get the hub/drum off. . Use this hub socket K-D 2770. The drums are attached to the hubs by the lug nut studs. They need to be pressed out to remove the drum. To put it all back you'll need an axle gasket and new hub seal.
It's been many years since I had my drums off to replace the shoes on my HO52... but I know I did it with ordinary hand tools, and did not press the lug studs out. Is his '67 that much different than my '72? I know I pulled the axles, but I don't recall anything else out of the ordinary.
- Mike -

1972 K20 LWB 350/350/205

RIP El Jay
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