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Old 03-12-2010, 01:25 AM   #4
Diablo de la Noche
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Re: Build Question - Where to start

I asked the same question back in august. They said just get it on the road so you can enjoy it and do it little by little. I didn't take the advice. Now I do it little by little, and buy the parts I need right now. I started by taking the whole front apart. I wish I hadn't, it looks like a junk pile in my garage. I am concentrating on the interior and plan on finishing that first, or at least getting it close so it's nice. Between small projects, I clean, and clean, and clean up after cleaning. Still chipping 43 years of gunk off the underside. In the next few weeks (realistically) I plan on putting the new body mounts in, that is how slow it is going. It seems that once you pull something off, there is more that needs to be done around it, so you take it off, and there are more issues to deal with. I'm a little OCD when it comes to cleanliness of the parts. Choose an area and concentrate on it, then move to the next area. Just about every part will need attention sooner or later. The trick is not to get all A.D.D. on it like I did. (And not too OCD!)
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