Thread: bagges on a 62
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Old 03-12-2010, 08:09 AM   #8
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Re: bagges on a 62

shockwaves are an airbag with a shock inside the bag. Basically an all-in-one install for trucks with torsion bars...if you're bagging anything and aren't familiar with some of the parts and pieces i would spend sometime on

shockwaves are sold for 2000-2006ish tahoes and suburbans using the stock shock mounts to support the truck. I would think that they can handle the load otherwise they wouldn't sell them (tons of street rods run shockwaves).

I don't know about 62 setup, but if it's already running a shock the shockwave would be a much easier install and not mess with the geometry as much as just welding a plate to the arms. I would guess you could add support to your stock shock mounts if you're worried about it, but i'm assuming they're stronger than you think. It's not like bagged truck is going to do much off roading...
John J
Bodied 1994 Suburban on custom frame -
Dad's 1948 Suburban -

Bagged 1995 Suburban - SOLD
Bodied 1995 Tahoe -SOLD
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