03-12-2010, 09:11 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: New Madison, Ohio
Posts: 21,377
Re: 1st Mid Ohio (Yellow Springs) Mini Meet This August...Who's Game?
nicks05z71 asked a good question so I thought I would post it...
so any year truck is welcome? maybe ill talk my father to drive his '86 and ill bring the '68
The Vintage Truck Show is geared for trucks 1980 and older but...for me this 67-72 Mid Ohio mini meet is open to all members with all model year trucks who want an opportunity to put faces to the names of our 67-72 internet family.
A husband can be right...or...A husband can be happy.
67-72 Chevy and GMC Trucks...The Classic Truck for the Classic Folk.
1970 CST Two tone green, 402BB, 400 Automatic, Tach, Buckets, AC, AM-FM, Tilt, GM CB, GM 8 Tract, LWB, etc 
JOHN 17:3...The better side of "LIFE"
Remember: Everyday is a good day...Some are just gooder!
Last edited by 70cst; 03-12-2010 at 12:45 PM.