Originally Posted by 71blksuper4x4
I am guessing it's a NOS truck cab??? Am I close?
You are the first correct answer!
Originally Posted by LUCKTRUCK
too easy..... 6272121 Cab Assembly (in prime) I'm sure someone has one packed away 
And,I bet you`d be the one to find it,too.I bet you have that number memorized.Good luck...truck.
Originally Posted by liftmeup
I know someone who at one time had 4 and I'm told still has at least one.Think they were only asking $4,000 ish each Guess I better drive on over they are closing there doors for good in just a few weeks..
We better go grab it! I`ll go halves and we can share?
Hey everybody,I hope no one minded a little jokin`round the parts board.I just figured we can all dream a bit.There`s your part#,now start the search.