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Old 03-13-2010, 07:49 PM   #1
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internet truck buying.. eeee

Good evening truckers.
Looking at a nice 65 short wide, but it's across the country, private seller, on the internet. Twice now I've purchased a truck that had questionable title issues (jumped title - guy bought it and never re-titled to himself, tried to sell from previous owner's name). Anyway, let's just say I'm a little gunshy now buying over the internet.

Can someone tell me the best process for buying a truck over the internet that protects both the seller and buyer?

Pending a few more pics of some of the rust areas, I may buy without looking in person, but not positive. That's what my question is about - if I decide to buy it from across the country without going in person - what's the best way to do it to protect the money i send and that will keep the buyer comfortable with the transaction?

Thanks for your help - I assume many of you have done this already, so wanted to ask.

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