Originally Posted by TR65
Hey Aerotruck,
Just a question. I am interested in why you are reaming the tapers rather than using an adapter sleeve to allow using the small inner tie rods and the large outer tie rods?
I suppose the drag link has plenty of beef to allow the larger tapers?
Good to see your posts again by the way.
Ok in my small world, I'm crushed that I cannot find a stock replacement aftermarket steering rod GM part# 3854943 1963-66 K10 4WD.. This is the rod that goes from the steering arm to the arm of the drivers side spindle. The 67-91 model truck setup is available so I ordered them in. Now what makes this setup acceptable to me is that there replacement parts for Chevrolet. Childish, silly, brainwashed but I can't bring myself to mixing in from other brands. This new set up adjusts to the same length as the original one piece unit. So when I finish this project, don't come pointing your finger at the steering rod telling everyone that it's the wrong one. I'm in therapy because of this.