Re: vacuum line help
I can give you a start. On a 72, there was a solenoid that mounted on the pass rear side of the intake ( would not let advance to the dist until the engine was warm or the car was in 3rd gear, Should be a sensor on the passenger side head and wires going from the solenoid and the sensor to the transmission). I believe, the dist vac advance went to this solenoid and the other port on the solenoid went to the front of the drivers side of the quadrajet vac port. I think this might have been teed and that hose went to the small port on the charcoal canister. The PCV hose went over to the large port on the front/bottom of the quadrajet and that hose T'd 3/8 dia went to the charcoal cannister along with the smaller vaccuum tub teed from the front of the carb. The other port on the charcoal cannister was the vent line back to the tank. This hard line is on the frame. The long/thin tube on the passenger side of the quadrajet near the choke pulloff linkage was for the vaccuum hose on the air cleaner to operate the flap on the front of the snorkle. If you can the smog pump, there was a vaccuum line there too, but I am not sure how those T'd or were routed.