1985 fullsize chevy 4x4. he turned in front of me and froze in the middle of the road.
i was pulling a single car trailer back from my parents cabin 4 years ago memorial day. the trailer jacknifed and on impact sheared off. took the reese hitch and twisted it so it looked like an exhaust pipe sticking out he side.
we hit the A pillar on the guys truck at 55 miles an hour.
The best thing about it was my son told me 15 minutes before , to put my seatbelt on and i did. for that i ow him 2 lives.
He was 7 years old at the time.
he sufferd a broken jaw and facial cuts , had to have a plastic surgyn (sp) come in and fix him up. luckly he was in the center of the seat buckled up.I got some cuts and a couple copression fractures in my lowerback.
Last edited by 85 GMC; 05-09-2003 at 11:21 AM.