Originally Posted by bluex
Dang I came on here to share my CL score and you got a better deal!
Picked up a 76 front clip minus a hood yesterday. It is going on the K5 when (or if?  ) it starts going back together.
Got the wife a dodge van saturday too. 3 kids and us in the regular trailblazer werent going to work. The oldest two still need the booster seats. Spent about 2 hrs that evening at the hospital thinking the baby might come. He/she didnt (we decided to be surprised with this one) but should be here sometime this week.
Haha, sorry didnt mean to steal your thunder but this guy was parting out this burban and was like ya ill give it to you for 100 bucks, a day later, 80? YUP! haha, and i got the hood with it too! along with grille and such. sorry dont mean to rub it in.