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Old 03-16-2010, 10:47 PM   #20
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Re: newb,looking for info.."feathers by chevy"

I have a "Feathers by Chevy". That is why my handle is FBC72. I bought mine about 13 years ago, from the 4th owner. It still has the original paint and decals, except for the right front fender that was replaced when I bought it. The paint and decals are getting pretty rough, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to paint repaint it soon. The "Feathers by Chevy" was a dealer installed option from what I've found. Mine is a CST, with the Highlander trim package as well. Any questions, just ask, I'll try to answer. Here is an add for Feathers that I found in an old magazine.
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72 K-5 CST Blazer
"Feathers by Chevy"
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