Originally Posted by OrrieG
Mine has two, one on the driver frame next between the rad support and steering box, second on the driver top rail under the cab. I assumed the second was a "secret" hidden one in case the first got ground off. In Idaho the State will use the frame first, cab second or if both are missing inspect and assign a number. In some cases you need to get a bonded title for a couple of years if the ownership chain is clouded. With rods the vehicle is registered as the closest stock vechicle it resembles, fiberglass 27 T buckets are called 1927 Ford Roadsters for instance, regardless of drive train or engine. Emmission tests are not required for vehicles older than 1965. Except for custom built vehicles, no inspections are required. On custom built vehicles the State has inspectors that look at the quality of the work and do have the right to not allow registration for use if it is questionable. Definately not California rules!
They used the so called secret location on the frame, it's crazy how the get the VIN numbers from the frame under the cab.
I had to get the weight also, mine was 2880 # without bed, rear bumper and seat.