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Old 03-17-2010, 11:16 PM   #16
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Hattiesburg Mississippi
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Re: 71 Jimmy/Blazer 4WD Frame Off Rest-o-ration

WOW !!!!! what abuse I have taken for no pictures along the way !!!!! and I
agree I deserve most of the comments made but this is my first ground up,
every nut and bolt, every seal,rubber,wire,grommet,motor,tranny,transfer
case, numbers matching restoration...And it as taken a month longer than
expected, and several dollars more than estimated so to yall my deepest
apology and I promise it will be worth the wait !!!!!
And for being so patient here is my promise to all of you that have looked,
waited,commented,cursed, and made jokes of my ghost build....
if I don't have pictures up by March 27th of the entire build from start to
finish I will buy each of you a steak hang on just a few more
days because we are very very close to a BEAUTIFUL HUGGER ORANGE
AND WHITE masterpiece !!!!! thanks Budder

Last edited by budder71; 03-17-2010 at 11:16 PM.
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