WTB BOARD VENDORS!! 67-68 front end parts
I am changing over to a 67 front end on my 72 truck.
I have the grill and grill trim. The rest Ill be buying.
Heres what I need:
1: The pieces that connect the grill trim to the grill
2: Light bezels and mounting screws
3: headlight mounting kit and adjusters and related pieces
4: all the pieces that slide over the grill like for the upper piece of the grill their are three large ones i think, and 2 small ones on either side of the grill for the light bezels
5: I am also looking for a QUALITY repop battery tray, core support, 67 fenders, inner fenders, 67-68 hood latch, and cowl steel hood.
also are aftermarket repop hood hinge springs any good? I know you can still buy the GM hood hinges but are the aftermarket springs worth it? i want my hood mounted as solid as possible without moving with every blowing breeze!
and someone to tell me with my 72 frame do I use the 67-68 core support mounting bushings or the 72? I have heard both ways and am confused!!!!
Other parts I am needing
Stainless Wiper Arms and blades
bed mounting pads
hood bumper set
glove box liner with AC