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Old 03-19-2010, 12:16 PM   #22
Overworked and Underlaid
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Location: Flagstaff,Arizona
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Re: Let's see some interior pics of 73 to 87's?

here is a couple shots of mine.all stock for now.will eventually get a grant gt steering wheel or the 1970 camaro steering wheel in orange crush right now.the rest of the interior will stay pretty much the same with the exception of a few personal touches.
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I'd rather push a Chevy than drive a Ford

The Beast-1978 C10 LWB

Red-1978 C10 LWB

(Uncle Mike)Michael Henry Millett 11/5/1957 to 03/08/2012
Gone but will never be forgotten-RIP

(Uncle Chuck)Charles Manning Gulbronsen Sr 1956-2012
Taken from us to soon but you will live on in our hearts-RIP
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