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Old 03-20-2010, 11:52 AM   #22
Vintage Evil
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Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**

Originally Posted by brossow View Post
They only make this wheel in 18" and 20" varieties. Here's a link to the spec sheet:
Oh... i was hoping they were out by now... Saw in this post that they should be in march...

Here is the post:
Originally Posted by HarrolLS1 View Post
After this thread has gotten over 25,000 views I decided to write them to see if I could get any info and make them aware of this discussion:

From: Boss Motor Sports <>
Subject: Re: Contact Request
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 9:20 PM

Thank you for your concern and for bringing this blog to my attention. I am of the understanding that blogs as this have brought the subject of the 338 and the Chevy trucks up, along with the issues that come along with the part for this fitment. By the way. insane on the trucks .. love it and keep that American muscle on the road.

There is an issue with the front spindle on the Chevy trucks and we are aware of it. Truck lovers as yourself brought this to our attention and we are addressing it. UP SIDE, the new part will be available the first of the year,if not a bit sooner. This part does not have a different offset but a wider cap detail and taller cap that allows the part to fit over the spindle and grease cap. problem solved we truly hope. DOWN SIDE, the 3 prong knock off will no longer fit the wheel. big deal for Chevy truck lovers? I don't know ? the part will also have a bit larger cap. We at American Eagle always try our best to keep a part, as well liked as the 338, as close to the original design if or when modifications are needed. FYI our 22 inch 338 will be released in 22x8.5 and 22x9.5 close to march and we will make sure the parts fit these vehicles.
Hope this helps and thank you for taking the time to allow us to get involved.
Ps. you have to love a part that looks like this and is priced like this and best of all made in the United States Of America. check to see where the other wheels that were mentions are made , you may be surprised!!! We will keep building wheels for you as long as you keep giving us the input to do it right.
Take Care , Ernie Boehm AEWC
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