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Old 03-20-2010, 07:07 PM   #1
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my 64 chevy its my dd

ok ill try to make it short but here it goes. my buddy bought this truck when he was fourteen for a thousand bucks. we worked on it day and nite we finally had this thing reay for the day he turned 16 i have researched and the story i got is true. the truck was you used as a sheriff truck in amirillo texas when the sheriff that drove the truck retired they retired the truck 2 months later. the man that drove the truck before he retired bought it. he then soon moved to diomond missouri to be with his wifes family he passed way and his grandson got the truck said it was p.o.s and sold it to my buddy man the stories me and my buddy have in this truck could go on and on but as life goes he went to college for auto body truck sat and sat i went out and started it once in a while. he got back from college and i got bike and ive been tryn to get this thing since the day i saw it. i finally got it and he know has death trap lol the best part is my 3 year old loves this truck we go somwhere is it papas new truck nope!!!! mommas new car nope!!!!!!! dedas new car!!!!!!!!! nope its his cheby lol this is my baby hope i didnt rambe to much ill get new pic soon
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