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Old 03-21-2010, 06:31 AM   #2
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Location: St Peters, MO
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Re: Old drivetrain 216 / 3-speed what to keep?

I put an ad in the D/FW Craig's List to rid myself of my engine and transmission so I could make room for a late model TBI SB and an R700 transmission. After only a few minutes of air time I got a call from a guy who wanted desperately to come see them. He did, liked what he saw (complete engine/transmission though not running) and asked what I'd take for them. I asked him what he thought they were worth and he said he'd give me $300 for the whole setup (included all the engine accessories, valve cover, air cleaner, etc.). I told him he could have it free; just get them out of my garage. With that he hooked me up with a guy wanting to get rid of a Chevy 350 if someone would haul it away.

Point is, there are people out there who'll pay for this stuff and there are others who can hook you up with things you might need. Offer the stuff for sale or trade. Go fishing and see who's out there.

"just as the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."
Matthew 20:28
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