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Old 03-22-2010, 01:10 AM   #1
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Smoothing the wire gutter on the firewall

I am in the process of cleaning up the firewall....and would like to do something with the wire gutter on the top of the firewall. Should i

1: box it out like some do by welding a 1'' strip on top....which i think is hard and lots of lots of work

2: cut off the gutter and just weld the 2 pieces of metal together

3: or make it clean the best i can and leave it there....

i really like the smooth gutter....either boxed or cut out but dont want to spend alot of time on the gutter....and i have seen alot of guys do it and it comes out awesome....or i also looked at fesler trucks he just cleans it and leave it alone

please a little help/input what should i do?
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