Re: Van Tilt install hints anyone?
I just did one last week. I can tell you the original 3 speed on the column intermediate shaft won't work. Of course you wont have to worry about that if yours was already automatic. You might as well replace that rubber in the rag joint while its all apart. After I drilled out the plastic to collapse the shaft I heated it with a little propane torch. Then I turned it upside down and hammered the two sections apart using an old piece of rebar placed inside the lower tube. Once it's apart hit the other section with a sander and it will slide in and out smoothly. Put the column in place as close to the dash as you want it, then mark the position the neutral switch will go. That way you know it will fit without hitting on anything. I found it easiest to cut the inner tubing for your neutral switch with a drillbit. I just drilled 2 1/4" holes where the outer edges of the switch tang will go, then kind of angled the drill sideways to eat the middle part away. Took about 1 minute total. Everything else fit up just fine.