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Old 03-22-2010, 10:07 PM   #341
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Re: Project' 69 c10 aka sin.

so my plan is to pull the head didnt have the energy to do it today hopefully tomorrow or when my brother is here.
were going to clean it up the best we can get the valves moving again. i'm also gonna clean the pistons up cause there was some gunk on them from when i was setting the timing with a close wire.
but we should be able to get it running. it already has been running but had no power because two of the pistons weren't firing. how are rocker arms studs installed? i believe the 230 was the first gen motor to have this kind of set up. with the rocker arm studs much like chevys small blocks.
unlike the 235 with a valve core or shaft.
but how can i be sure this is a 230 rather than a 190.

also where exactly is the tag for engine decoding. right behind the distributor or is it a number like


im confused cause i cant seem to find a match

thanks for all the help on the car. guys. As always i love this board.
Smoking Tires Since 1992

1969 c10 AKA SIN

(super short wheel base)
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