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Old 03-23-2010, 07:37 PM   #4
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Location: Hastings, NE
Posts: 18
Re: 67 c-20 in Nebraska

Hey thanks for the warm welcome! Not the greatest pics, but I'm always happy to show.

The truck, I like the small back window, don't see them around here

The interior, my dad had the glove box and ash tray custom painted by a friend of his in phoenix.

The roof, unfortunately someone drilled a hole for a cb antenna, the antenna was removed but the hole was never filled. Its rusted pretty good, I filled it but im afraid it will need replaced.

This is where it sits now, the hood is comming off thursday, I got a friend bringing an engine hoist this weekend. I broke a connecting rod in the 350 so its going through a complete overhaul. The top end was just rebuilt 2 or 3 years ago, but the bottom end hasn't been touched since my old man built it in the late 80s.
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