Originally Posted by brossow
Either way I find it interesting that the wheels didn't fit, because I just measured the hub diameter on my 1.25" rotors and the hub is only 2.961" (75.21 mm) wide, so either wheel should bolt right on. (These are stock replacement rotors from AutoZone or Advanced Auto, can't remember which.) Weird.
Loot at the pictures of the hub bore on my other post, the taper from the back to the front of the wheel. They are deffinately the new design, I think some genius at Boss thought we were having fitment issues at the base of the hub and not the front.
Either way, it was a five minute fix and I got em on.
As for the rears

when I was at my tire store I had them pull a tamper proof lug nut off that I didn't have the key for, well he got it off and he grabbed a replacement lug nut and proceeded to put it on. Well I walked around the back of my truck and noticed his impact wrench was hammering all the way down the threads not just when it snugged up.
The damage was done, he either cross threaded it or used the wrong lug nut. When I went to pull it off it was really tight on the threads, it spun about 1 and a 1/2 turns then stripped the splines inside the drum

So I call em, they say yeah bring it back down, I drive all the way back to town and they say they can't fix it till tomorrow...it has been one of those days, its beer time now!
I'll pull the other side and see if the 1/4" spacer will work...after I finish this beer