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Old 03-24-2010, 10:02 AM   #6
Overworked and Underlaid
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Re: I need ideas for stereo installation

Originally Posted by dropd80s View Post
The console you mentioned would probably be the best if you dont want to cut the dash. I would stay away from the shaft stlye players that mount in the dash you have now with the remote mount CD changers, the kind they sell in LMC and JC Whitney. I have installed a few and they are very poor quality.
thats what i was thinking too but i dont know alot about stereo installs other than how to do a very basic installation of one.i have a good cd player so unless i decide i want another one ill stick with the one i have.if the console idea ends up being a no-go then i will try an idea my uncle did in his 79.he didnt want to cut up his dash either so he found an underdash mounting kinda like something you would use with a cb radio.might go that route as it mounted right under the stock radio location.i also wonder where a person might find one of those items at?any continued input is definately welcome and encouraged.
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