Thread: lovin Lukas oil
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Old 03-24-2010, 12:40 PM   #12
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Re: lovin Lukas oil

My thing is, keep your oil and filter changed, use synthetic if you so choose (and can afford it), and you'll have probably hundreds of thousands of miles with no problems related to lubrication. As stated above, if an additive helps a problem, you are putting perfume on a pig. You still have the problem; it's just been masked over. If it plugged a leak, it's going to start leaking again at some point.

Sorry to be skeptical, but I just don't see the need, especially with how relatively good the basic oils on the market are these days. I think they're up to SJ, if I'm not mistaken. Every time they go to the next letter, they've improved something with the oil.
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