Thread: lovin Lukas oil
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Old 03-26-2010, 07:49 PM   #30
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Re: lovin Lukas oil

Originally Posted by LockDoc View Post
I don't use AMSOIL, or any synthetic for that matter, but I'm pretty sure that none of the manufacturers are going to recommend a certain oil unless they are getting some kind of payment or deep discount on the products they purchase from them. Maybe AMSOIL just won't play their game??

It almost sounds like you have an axe to grind with AMSOIL... Just an observation.

Allison transmissions specs a minimum spec of oil. hundreds of oils are approved.... but the AMsoil "allison transmission" oil is not approved, nor has a sample ever been sent in for analysis.
No bone to pick.. but hate the multi level scheme crap they pull but when you see through the fluff you see whats left...

ANY manufacture offering 30k, 50k, or whatever warranty is going to recommend an oil that will extend life if it is truly going ot make a difference!

we are not talking auto manufactures, we are talking axle, tranny, motor, whatever!!! lots of companies offer warranties on products that if it made it better they would recommend it!

Last edited by vegaschevy; 03-26-2010 at 07:52 PM.
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