today's score
So my UPS driver tells me his dad has a truck that looks like my suburban.
its been parked in a garage for 15 or so years... now buried underneath years of stuff ...well i say is it chevy or jimmy? "i don't know. but its got the same head lights as yours" and the wind shield is the same as yours too!. "whats dad gonna do with it?" i say.
well dad is in a old folks home, had a couple of strokes, so i don't know what to do with it!
well i say cautiously " i know what to do with it! what do you and your dad want for it?" well after a couple of weeks he says "Frank i talked with mom and she said it would be nice to have a garage again,.. lets say $1000 bucks and of course i said "SOLD" with out ever seeing it.
this was monthes ago... so friday he said mom has dug the truck out... you ready? hows tomorrow at 9 am sound? .... i was there at 8;50!
its got the normal rust, but not to bad, ..except on the windsheild eyebrow and rain gutter area, and it turns out to be a '62, like the burb, and a GMC! (my favorite) also been in the family since new, and never hit.
i just want to get her running and road worthy , then go pick up pops from the old folks home and go for a ride...
the family have SO MANY stories about this truck, you know its a part of the family, so i'm really stoked to get her going again soon, as they are too.
first pic is how it has been for a while ,then with the original family, and as i got it to the shop... more to come soon
Last edited by Franks Fab Shop; 03-28-2010 at 06:41 PM.