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Old 03-29-2010, 12:37 PM   #4
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Re: My Build Thread (year+) on 71 Jimmy 4x4

Rear seat needs to be setup. Also decided to go Pork-Chop on some tool-boxes. Seems like a perfect setup for the small rear area to work with on these Jimmy's.

Decided to go simple on the rear seats which are pulled from a yukon 3rd row.
Unbolted all the stock bracketry, pulled the covers, and welded a tube frame to the steel inside the seat. Set it up to match the height of the front seats, and got it ready to bolt to the floor, once I get some backing plate. Will finally get it welded to the frame as well. Seats have 3 sets of seatbelts, including shoulder belts.

So this stage isnt finished but you get the idea. Toolbox's work nice for a tone of lockable storage and serve dual duty as arm-rests and eventually cup-holders and maybe even speakers. Everything will get Rhino Lined black after its all setup.

Also working on some Light brackets on the cowl, just test fit for now that will have control-lights on them. (handle and moveable)
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71 Jimmy: D60/14BFF, 9"F/11"B Lift, 350-350-203-205, Crossover Hydro steering, Beadlocks, Tube stuff and the bottomless cooler

Last edited by RckyMntnKng; 03-29-2010 at 12:56 PM.
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