Re: My engine is finally ready.
Mullit: Yes they are Hedman Headers got them from Summit Part # HED-69648.
TVBlazer78: Thanks. Its a 406 SBC. No im not trying to copy you its just that great minds think alike! LOL. I had it in a 62 Biscayne I had and sold , the guy wanted to put a 409 in it so he didn't want the engine. It's basicaly stock except for the cam (mild don't have specs) Edelbrock Performer intake, Carter AFB, kick out milodon pan. It has about 2500 miles.
Hottrucks: The color is Gloss Black engine paint from Autozone. I plan on using spark plug wire seperators from an early 60's corvette they tuck the spark plug wires behind the engine and run dwn the sides of the oil pan and up to the spark plugs. I think it looks cleaner that way.