Originally Posted by dan42
The "milions" quote is a little misleading; if you count only the shortbed fleet and steps, there were less than 500,000 made. Some of the 4WD models had runs of 1,000 vehicles or less. (Source - Chevrolet Pickups,1946-1972, John Gunnell). So there are a few fairly rare trucks out there. But if I were buying vehicles to make money, I would not have bought my trucks.
I couldn't believe it, so I went in and added it up myself... I got about 506,000

There were "millions made", but it's spread out over longbeds (all 3/4 tons were longbed, that doesn't "help"), suburbans, blazers, 1 tons, panels. I knew longbeds trumped the shortbeds in sales, I just never realized how badly.
These numbers don't include GMC, their production numbers were lost in a fire.