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Old 04-01-2010, 03:42 PM   #52
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Re: Don't Ruin The Value Of Classic Trucks

The way I see it, you never buy a vehicle to make a profit off of. If you end up with something that turns out to be worth a substantial amount of money later on down the road then thats great,, consider yourself lucky.

The classic vehicle market has taken a hit in all areas, not just our trucks. Although I believe that it will soon turn around who really knows?? I do believe that when I go to sell the ole truck I can get back out of it what I paid for it, because I bought it at what I think was close to the bottom of the market, but I certainly dont expect it to be worth much more than what I gave.

Try being one the those guys that gave 80k+ for a new at the time z06. lol Now that same car has trouble fetching 40k.. how about that? 3 Years and you've lost 50% of the value($40k in this case). not including maintaince cost, insurance, gas, interest paid on loan etc. I dont know about you,, but thats hard for me to swallow!!!

Drive the car or truck of your choice dont worry about values until your ready to sell it,, because no matter how much you worry about falling prices, theres not a thing that can be done about it. You only get one go around on this earth, dont worry yourself to death over classic truck prices lol

Not sure myself that prices are dirt cheap for rust free examples, while they certainly have dropped they still bring coin.
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