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Old 05-12-2003, 11:30 PM   #1
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Posts: 38
need help with front drive axel!!!!!

So I get the axel out to replace the C.V. boot and I'm using the Chilton's 88-96 GM Full size pick up manual............don't like using them because like the Haynes they always have ya doing more stuff than actualy has to be done or in my case removed. I've never taken one out or changed a C.V. boot before so while I was waiting for a factory shop manual I go to the library and pick the GM manual up.

Sure enough, ( pic attach) they got me removig the deflector ring.........which ends up getting chewed because of the rust so I think I'll just go to the dealer and get another one...........NOT the GM dealer parts guy tells me this isn't sold separatly..........I'll have to purchase the whole drive axel I can't believe the shape I'm in right NOW I'm F*%ked.

Do any of you guys know where to get this piece....PLEASE!!!
I've run out of ideas!!
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