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Old 04-03-2010, 09:04 PM   #6
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Re: Need rear end work

you have a 3.08 gear and you want a no spin? unless you have a BIG engine and frequently drive in mud, i don't see the need. get a 3.73 in there and an OD trans and call it a day. 3.08 is soooo lame. it was the only mod my dad made to his 87 burb when he bought it fresh up from texas (10 years ago). the gear change woke up that 350 and the gas mileage didn't suffer 'cause the engine didn't work as hard on the hills we have in the northeast (also trailer towing). but i guess in texas there are no hills to worry about and as long as you don't tow anything. just giving my opinion based on my experiences.

Last edited by capev86; 04-03-2010 at 09:04 PM.
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