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Old 04-03-2010, 10:43 PM   #25
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Michigan
Posts: 301
Re: Ice cream getter

Thanks Mario, It was a long time coming but damn glad to have it.

Very little progress on the Blazer but I did get some pictures. I put the body back on today so I can start mocking up motor mounts and transfer case cross member. Ok, that’s not really why I did it, I just really needed to get a sneak peak at what it’s going to look like when it’s finished!! I chose to go with Skyjacker’s 6” all spring lift to go with the 35” tires I already have. At first I wasn’t sure. Its way higher than I was expecting and I know it’s really going to be a rough ride but after staring at it for a while I think it will work. I’d like to put a 37” tire under it but for now the 35’s will have to do. I will need to move the rear back to re-center but I expected that. For the axels I ended up going with a 4:88 gear. Most of the driving will be on the street so I choose a Detroit Truetrac for the rear and left the front open for now. Transmission and transfer case are both finished and ready to go in and I am planning to see my engine back in two weeks. Before I start fitting anything I still need headers. I plan on using the Doug Thorley headers but would really like to hear from someone that has used them in a four wheeler first. Anybody???
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Comparison to bone stock 4x4
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