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Old 04-04-2010, 07:58 AM   #5
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Location: Brigantine, NJ
Posts: 16
Re: Cup holder idea's needed

I just made one for myself. I picked up a used ashtray on e-bay (Cheap) and 2 fold-up cup holders (Also on e-bay). I drilled and mounted the cup holder to the front plate on the ashtray. Total cost, about $25.00. With the ashtray closed, the cup holders block the heater controls, but open the ashtray and you can then reach under to regulate the heat/AC. The best part is that when the cup holders are collapsed, they only stick out about one half inch from the dash. Oh and one other thing, if you smoke (Not in my truck) you can still use the ash tray. I use the ashtray to hold my cell phone.
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