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Old 04-05-2010, 02:05 PM   #4
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Re: Headliner install in a c-10 custom??

All you need is a 3/8s drill ,the right size bit and the measurements or a template .I have done several.The first one I did I just took a thin piece of cardboard and used a razor knife to cut out a hole the same as in a junk cheyenne cab.I marked where the center of each hole was and then placed the card board over it and shot with spray paint.The holes are rectangular with rounded ends.I drilled each end first then drilled as close as I could to each previous hole until I got to the other end.I used as small flat file to knock off the little humps in between each drilled hole.These days I have and inner roof skin from and old truck cut out that i use as a template.saves a lot of time measuring.It was a slow process measuring each hole.
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