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Old 04-06-2010, 10:38 AM   #20
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Re: LMC truck (rant)

I've done a lot of business with LMC, and a lot of others as well to. I don't really have a gripe with LMC at all, though the phone service is operated by regular workers that are not experienced mechanically. Just the average call center agent working the phones, which really I would rather deal with than getting a busy signal or a ring no answer. The last order I did with them it was obvious the agent didn't have the foggiest idea what I was talking about, but she didn't try to BS me either and said she needed to confer with an expert. I'm cool with that.

They score pretty high for me for parts availability, and I have found that their prices are a tad higher but what good is a lower price if you don't have it in stock?
1968 K20 Suburban
1972 K10 LWB PU
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