Thread: 04 Wind Noise
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Old 04-06-2010, 10:54 AM   #1
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04 Wind Noise

I've got an 04 1/2 ton Crew cab and the drivers side door leaks air right where it curves at the top. It doesn't do it just driving down the road, but if there is a cross wind (like say driving west with a north wind or driving east with a south wind) it's like it will catch a little lip there and make a terrible noise. I have heard of people rolling the window down and pulling on top of the door to bring it in a little and was wondering if that is about the only thing I can do? It doesn't leak water or anything when I wash it, it's just annoying as all get out. The seal looks to be in good shape and not worn down or anything like that.
All help is appreciated.

Thank you,

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